Monday, October 22, 2012

Has Obama used our money well?

Has Obama used your money well?
I believe Obama, in the last 4 years, has not used our money well (as evidenced by the fact that the government is in way more debt than it used to be, even when he promised us that he would get us out of debt).  Because we're now in more debt, Obama wants to raise taxes.  I don't fit in the "rich" category, but the truth is, even if the government took every dime from the rich and gave it to the government, the government still wouldn't be able to pay for its expenses.  So, what would Obama do after that?  He can reduce the government's expenses. But, the last 4 years have shown that he isn't willing to do that. So, the only other option is to get more money from taxes, from people, like you and me.

Why a balanced budget is important to you and me:
I believe Romney will help balance our budget. I believe this because he's done it before. I believe this because he worked in business most of his life and knows that you have to balance a budget if you want to survive, whether you're a family, a business or the government.

A balanced government budget will help you and me because:
  • The government won't have to keep raising our taxes.  That's a good thing.
  • The government can pay us back when we retire, through social security. That's a good thing.
  • When the government doesn't swallow up so much money, there is more money in our economy, which I believe will translate into companies hiring more and people having higher incomes.

I think some people forget that President Obama has been President for 4 years.  I don't see any proof from the last 4 years that he will make serious efforts to balance the budget. But I do see a track record of Romney balancing budgets.

Why the economy matters to me and you

Why I'm voting for Romney: the Economy

I'm not a finance wizard, or an economics genius. But I understand one thing: If you spend more than you own, at some point it will come back to bite you.

The government is out of money.
Right now, the government is out of money. China has loaned us a lot of money.  We have all loaned the government a lot of money too.  Why is this a bad thing?  For one, if the government doesn't have enough money, then it can't pay teachers or policemen/women, and it can't pay us (back) when we retire.

Where does your money go?
The government makes money from taxes.  Then it spends money on programs.  As long as it receives taxes, it can pay for programs. Right now, the government is spending more money than it is making.  We have all become accustomed to paying taxes to the government. Have you ever thought to yourself: is the government using my money in the best way possible?  

Who to vote for: My attempt to make a difference

In many ways, I'm an ordinary American. I'm a husband and a father. I have a job. I serve in my Church. I care deeply about my family.  I'm grateful for a land of liberty where we can respect each other's differences, where we can innovate and find opportunity to excel. Where we can serve each other. Where we can worship God as we wish.

But in some ways, I'm not ordinary - for the same reasons mentioned above. Many do not have a job. Many do not live in the ideal family situation. Many do not have the opportunities I have.

The purpose of these few blog entries is my attempt to make a difference for good.  In November, I will vote for Mitt Romney. My hope is that this blog will reach those who may not be decided. Or, perhaps persuade others to vote for Romney instead of Obama.  I believe that by voting for Romney, we (me and you), will have more opportunities and freedom - to work, to worship, to enjoy life as we are intended to - through honest work, loving service and gratitude to our Creator.

What follows are reasons why I will vote for Romney in November, and why I believe you will want to as well.